Practice with me!

Practice in the comfort of your own home, live or on-demand.


Mondays 7:30pm Yin Yoga

This one-hour class will include physical practice, meditation and philosophy. Postures are held for 1-5 minutes with little or no muscular effort and focusing on the β€œyin” tissues of the body (fascia and connective tissues). Each shape presents an opportunity for somatic meditation, focusing on an experiential connection to the sensations present in the body. Aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Taoist philosophy will be woven throughout the class, focusing on the balance of yin and yang energy as well as the 5 meridian pairs that guide the physical shapes. Myofascial release techniques are often used to release tension and cultivate a deeper understanding of one’s own body. Options will be offered for varying abilities, available props, and all levels of practice.

Every Monday 7:30pm EST | Register


My teaching style

I guide mindful movement that is considerate of individual differences and is purposeful while also encouraging exploration. The somatic meditation practices I learned from my yin yoga teacher, Sally Miller, find their way into my classes regardless of the style. I love to read and study the history and philosophy of yoga and share what I’ve learned. I’m actively working to make my classes more accessible and to ensure we’re practicing together in a way that is respectful of ourselves, each other and the source culture.


What to expect in class

Everything I say is optional – you will always hold the power to make skillful choices for yourself. I will make suggestions, but I also aim to help you cultivate a practice in which you feel empowered to make those choices intuitively and expand beyond what is offered by a teacher, in my class or others. No one knows better than you what your body needs.


Yoga On Demand!

Practice with me anytime, anywhere with my on-demand video library.

What’s included:

  • Practice with me live over Google Meet every Monday

  • Access recordings of previous live classes and shorter practices

  • Special pricing for my workshop offerings